brought a full bottle of water through TSA

Recently I took a connection through SFO (San Francisco) and was not aware of a full bottle of water I had recently from my previous flight. I exited from terminal 2 and took the skytrain to terminal G where I re-entered from a PreCheck lane.

Took me around 10 minutes to get through, but to my shock as I was boarding the plane I had an entire full 500ml bottle with me, and I was positive I went directly from the checkpoint to the gate meaning the water was from outside, and TSA managed to let me slide with the water.

Pretty sure all liquids over 50ml are restricted so not entirely sure why this happened, maybe the operator didn't notice or they just didn't care? Would it be worth filing a complaint? Will I be found guilty if I did file one? Thanks.

edit: decided against reporting this, cuz most likely nothing will happen, thanks for the insight

edit 2: a couple of crew members went through at the same time as me, their bags are exempt from the liquids rule and the officer thought my bag was a crew one which is most likely what happened