Is TRT the right option?

Hey guys, looking for a bit of guidance

I live in Australia, 27 years old, exercise 5-6 times a week (4 days weight lifting, 2 days running) with a clean diet, no alcohol, no smoking.

I’ve been suffering with extreme fatigue for probably 2-3 years now, brain fog for 6-8 months and have found over the last 18 months extreme difficulty putting muscle mass on. Sex drive has also taken a huge hit in the last 12 months. I decided to get a full set of bloods done and they came back with the following results:

Total Testosterone (Siemens) - 13.1nmol/L (8.3-29) Sex Hormone Binding Globulin - 34nmol/L (11-71) Calculated Free Testosterone - 245.6pmol/L (255-725)

I got referred to an endo by my GP and he pretty much said “eat healthy and exercise” which I obviously already do.

Now looking to get on top of it and look into my options (not even sure if TRT is the solution)

Any input would be appreciated thanks!