T4T relationships are a myth created to protect transgender ideology
"transbians" don't exist, and if they do exist they only make up 0.0001% of TIM relationships. TIMs are only interested in invading the spaces of REAL lesbians. TIMs would never date each other because they're all ugly neckbeards and not women. lesbian means you date WOMEN. there's no way TIMs actually see other TIMs as women, they're just lying to each other to cope.
what's that? two TIMs dating? well obviously they're both just homosexual AGP men attracted to other homosexual AGP men, they never liked real women to begin with. no it doesn't matter if they "pass", no trans people ACTUALLY pass, we can always tell. and even when we can't only 0.000000001% of trans people "pass" anyway, i know this because none of the tranners i see on ovarit or lolcow.farm pass.
and what's this? a straight t4t couple? well actually TIMs prey on TIFs all the time and convince them to mutilate their bodies out of jealousy.
TIFs also only are interested in invading the spaces of gay men so they can imagine themselves as their favorite yaoi bottoms. TIFs don't want to date other TIFs because they're only attracted to REAL men, not weird hairy women.
what's that? two TIFs dating? well obviously they're both confused lesbians, and once they start actually taking testosterone and stop being cute little fakeboys they'll find each other to be repulsive beasts. that or they dumped their normal boyfriends because they wouldn't do yaoi roleplay with them.
don't listen to the troons, they prioritize forcing cis people to date them above all else. the only reason they say otherwise is to decieve you.