Oh my god it's really happening

So I've been in the "growing pains" phase for a little bit now, not looking feminine without huge amounts of effort, okay-ish voice, the whole nine yards. But I got a job recently and...

Everyone treats me like a woman. I'm not even out at work! I'm using my deadname, most of the staff he/hims me, but I'm sending it as much as I can. I dress feminine, I wear makeup, I talk in my trained voice. I act like ME. And no one's batting an eye! In fact, almost all of my coworkers are female and all of them accept me! They talk to me like I'm one of them, there's no weird uncomfortable gender gap, and a few have even taken to referring to me by they/them. I feel so comfortable I put a small little trans flag in my office space.

My workplace is very hip and with the times, which I am very grateful for, but I still wasn't expecting things to go this smoothly. For the first time since starting my transition I came home the other day and saw a woman in the mirror. Shit slaps.