Try this yall
The next time that you are getting into arguments with Tophia supporters, or enablers as I call them, and they try to argue with that Tophia doesn’t need to get a job, that she could be on social media as much as she wants to say whatever she wants and put out as much personal information as she wants, motel hop, and try to insinuate that living inside of a car is ok, ask them to do it.
Ask them to quit their jobs, give up their dreams and careers, drop out of school, stop paying their mortgage or rent or move out of their parents houses. Ask them to go on TikTok live and make less than minimum wage and I’m talking like three dollars a day, to move in and out motel rooms while living in squalor in said rooms, ask them to do and say embarrassing things, derogatory things, problematic things and ask them to dox themselves on live like how tophia has done multiple times and see what they say.
Because don’t y’all find it weird how the people who have decent paying jobs, who drive cars (and it doesn’t matter what brand of car because having a car is a luxury within itself), who are going to school pursuing degrees for a better life, who pay rent or mortgage or live in their parents residence are trying to tell somebody not to do that at all and it’s OK to basically be homeless? I find it really strange. So if it’s ok for Tophia to live that way, then they should have no problem doing the same.