Aunt Karen is full of shit
In a recent video, Aunt Karen asserted that she has maintained contact with Tophia on multiple occasions throughout the years. Therefore, you are implying that you observed Tophia’s eviction from the apartment, her subsequent agency situation, the trademark dispute, her stay in the motel where she received bleach, ropes, and knives, Hershey’s escape, their evictions from multiple motels, and the most recent incident involving their relocation to a car. Despite your apparent inaction during these events, you now seek to capitalize on this unfortunate situation to portray yourself as a hero for your own gain. Aunt Karen’s behavior can be characterized as opportunistic and self-serving, as she appears to be driven by a desire for social recognition and influence. Her claims are easily discernible as false and lacking in substance.
Additionally, her assertion that individuals created this subreddit for the purpose of “stalking” her is inaccurate. If Aunt Karen intends to make claims, it is imperative that they be substantiated. Her statement clearly demonstrates a lack of familiarity with the FAQ or rules governing this subreddit. It is prohibited to disclose personal information within this subreddit, and moderators have the authority to remove such content. This policy is in place to ensure the privacy and safety of all users AND Tophia
Indeed, it is arguable that Aunt Karen cannot assist someone who is unwilling to help themselves. However, it is crucial to comprehend that she positioned herself as a “life coach” for Tophia when she invited her to participate in those lives. How can one present themselves as a life coach and mentor while only providing assistance when it is convenient for them?