Tophia is evil
Tophia has failed as a sister, daughter, and person. She deserves absolutely nothing at all not even a jar of dirt. To use your brother's death for your own benefit and to blame his death on your internet drama instead of his murderer is beyond low and sickening. As the eldest sister of boys, her actions and words are more than infuriating. It is definitely not grieving; she did not care about her brother when he was alive, and she doesn’t care now that he’s dead. Donald did everything he could for that slimeball. He was homeless with her and Marie, living out of a car and eating Lunchables because Tophia didn’t want to get a job and help pay rent at her big grown age. He would work just so she could spend their rent money on stuff they didn’t need. She didn’t want to get off the internet; she doxxed herself every single place they went. She claims that she does everything she can for her family while putting herself, Donald, and Marie in constant danger just to achieve her dream of being an influencer. She is incredibly selfish. While her mother is sitting in the hospital recovering, instead of being there for her, she is online arguing with people, saying it’s their fault for her being homeless, for not getting help sooner, and for her brother dying. I can’t even fathom how those words can even leave her mouth. As I stated, she has failed as a sister and daughter. She could have done so much for all of them but didn’t, even though she is fully capable of doing so. Like I said, as an older sister, my heart aches for him. I could never imagine putting my brothers through that. I would be shattered to pieces if I were her. The fact that Tophia can do all of that with zero remorse or accountability is sociopathic behavior. She has failed as a sister and daughter; she’s an evil person, and she has the deepest, hottest place waiting for her when her time comes.
Also, for her defenders who think it is the internet’s fault: nobody is forcing her to stay online. She’s a grown woman. If she chooses to remain on the internet and continue her behavior, whatever happens is completely on her.