Thoughts đź’­

I do feel bad for Tophia regarding everything that went down, and I can’t imagine how difficult this situation must be for her. No one deserves to go through something like this, and I truly sympathize with what she’s dealing with. However, in her recent Instagram story, she said that people should have helped her sooner—but the reality is that people did try to help. People gave her advice, people warned her about the path she was on, and people tried to guide her in a better direction. She simply refused to listen.

The tragic situation involving her brother’s shooting is not her fault, and it’s completely understandable that she feels overwhelmed right now. That being said, while she couldn’t have controlled what happened to him, she could have done more to control or improve their living situation before things got to this point. That’s something she had influence over, and unfortunately, she didn’t take the opportunities she had. Blaming the people on the internet isn’t fair when so many of them genuinely tried to help her before it was too late. At some point, she has to take accountability for the choices she made and stop shifting the blame onto others.