Year recap !

  • [ ] January: Honestly nothing really exciting happened in this month.
  • [ ] February: This was the month Hershey ran away ( thank goodness)
  • [ ] March : Not much happened in this month they were homeless sometime in march leading into April . Just to point out tophia was sad about Hershey for a couple days then forgot about her lol😭
  • [ ] April : Again another boring month.
  • [ ] May: She spent so much unnecessary money in may it’s crazy .
  • [ ] June : Her makeup era . Again spending money ( you don’t have) on things that aren’t important!!
  • [ ] July : Once AGAIN another boring month still spending money on unnecessary things.
  • [ ] August : Her thirft store era . Again buying more unnecessary things.
  • [ ] September: Papachu makes a return!! Again you already know what I’m about to say… buying more unnecessary things.
  • [ ] October: She gets banned from going live on her main account due to youth exploitation ( I WAS JUST PLAYING SIMS ) also this was the month when squidd exposed their motel room and she became homeless once again.
  • [ ] November : Very boring not much happened still homeless though! Also mamachu drops a load on the sidewalk …🤔
  • [ ] December: Again still homeless, still projecting, still stinky!! What a year it’s been with the chu family honestly it seems like no one in this family is trying to better themselves besides brotherchu and I’m sure taking care of two grown people must be exhausting!
  • [ ] Happy holidays and have an amazing new year I hope everything goes smoothly the entire year! Love you all ! 🫶🏽