[TOMT][CARTOON][1995-2005] Cartoon of animal friends where they make a chocolate-coated banana in the freezer?

Hi all,

Does anyone recall a cartoon where there are 3 or so animals that are all friends with one another?

I was exposed to a lot of Cartoon Network & Disney channel during this time period, so it may have been on one of these channels, and for further information, I live in Australia.

I'm not completely sure if this show was a full-length tv show either, and may have just played in between the airing of full-length shows which were scheduled.

The specific episode I remember is that they coated a banana with chocolate and left it in a fridge/freezer to set.

One of the animals MAY(?) have been an elephant, however, i'm not entirely sure.

This has been on my mind the past week, so any help would be great!
