@LondonsNotebook Ego Over Evidence?

This is more for the True Crime Community on TikTok. Tell me about your experience with the notorious London. From what I’ve seen she does not listen to any type of reason. I’ve seen people provide her with resources to educate herself and she will just tell them she’s not going to do that. How can you be a reputable true crime source if you can’t admit you’re wrong and/or educate yourself before you take to the internet and make bogus claims with no tangible proof and no real education on the subject? The things I’ve seen come from her seem to be getting more and more delusional…and when her followers or others try to correct her she will block them (so I’ve heard). Seems like she’s putting her ego (and emotions) over evidence and facts. I’ve seen tons of threads on her in the past years but what’s the current thought on her?

This is more for the True Crime Community on TikTok. Tell me about your experience with the notorious London. From what I’ve seen she does not listen to any type of reason. I’ve seen people provide her with resources to educate herself and she will just tell them she’s not going to do that. How can you be a reputable true crime source if you can’t admit you’re wrong and/or educate yourself before you take to the internet and make bogus claims with no tangible proof and no real education on the subject? The things I’ve seen come from her seem to be getting more and more delusional…and when her followers or others try to correct her she will block them (so I’ve heard). Seems like she’s putting her ego (and emotions) over evidence and facts. I’ve seen tons of threads on her in the past years but what’s the current thought on her?