Being a healer in this game is toxic x5
I main wand and staff heals and my god man we need a dps and a heal tracker to call out the stragglers and toxic Xbow dagger kiddies.
Healing in this game is hard enough with limited insta heals to save people who stand in every red circle they can and face roll a keyboard.
Yesterday we cleared the bug raid twice in my pug group first try with no issues. I dropped out as group split and qued up with a three man dps crew.
First guy just stands in two spots basically and keeps getting mopped by the AOE after the ants and refuses to stack on me. Then of course dies and whose fault is it? Well of course the healer. Apparently I should be able to keep these mouth breathers alive while they AFK spam hit the boss and ignore every mechanic there is.
After second try the party goes quiet and the three of them vote to kick me and replace with another healer.
Having no way to track dps during a raid is making the co op dungeons a sess pool of dps chodes who claim to be elite in their imaginations but have no way to track how well they are doing besides counting the amount of times they die due to their kindergarten understanding of how the fight works.
Rant done……