Why did CACREP lower internship requirements for students?
I may get some hate here, but as a supervisor, and group practice owner who has 6 interns (CMHC and LMFT), seeing a reduction in the required hours for CMHC from 300 DIRECT HOURS to 240 is ludicrous. I know and understand that interns work for free and it sucks going through school and internship while not getting paid, but the lowering of the required hours isn’t going to churn out or make better therapists. I’ve had some students where I’m still concerned after 300 hours even, and even have told one school I believe the student needs more time and shouldn’t graduate. This is insane to me.
Those saying im wrong:
https://www.cacrep.org/section-3-professional-practice/ It used to be 300 direct hours. Now it is 240. Different people may be under different accreditation standards.
Also, I’m bot here to debate whether interns should be paid. I agree they should. But not the point of this post. If state boards, insurances allowed interns to bill insurance it’d be different. Most interns are doing probono or sliding scale. Edited again: I know many do placements in CMH, and I agree they should be paid there. They’re usually billing Medicaid for services.