Which job would you pick? Mainly a pay question

  1. 1099 position, 70/30 split. They provide/pay for EHR and telehealth platform. Seeing 25 clients per week, I’d make roughly $115,000. (I’ve worked 1099 before but never as a therapist. If you can give me a guesstimate what you think I’d take home after taxes, you’d be amazing.)

  2. W2 position, but they pay like a 1099 position, if that makes sense. $60ish per billable hour. Seeing 25 clients per week, I’d make roughly $82,000. This also has benefits like health insurance (about $250 a month), CEU stipend, PTO, and other benefits employees normally get like FMLA, workers comp, unemployment, etc.

The first place really aligns with my values and seems like a good vibe, but my partner is worried about how much I’ll make considering taxes. Trying to give him some reassurance. Second place seems good, too…