God is not categorized

In Genesis, God did not create androgynous creatures called humans and then assign masculinity to one entity and femininity to another. God created a man first, then removed the man's ribs to create a woman.

What this means is that the basic system of philosophical thinking that views universal abstraction as primary being is alien to God.

The same principle applies to the classification system that distinguishes between personal God and natural God and places the concept of the most universal God at a higher level. In this structure, there is an argument that because the god of the Hebrew people, Yahweh, is classified as a personal god, he can only be a lower god than the highest transcendent god.

This may seem obvious at first glance, but it is actually a kind of wordplay using a widely accepted classification system.

Thinking in terms of a classification system ultimately means objectifying. God cannot be objectified.

Meister Eckhart's error in this.