cougar icon still appearing on map after recent patch?

i'm currently playing on custom with cougars turned off and passive wildlife turned on and just got the cougar cinematic about 30 days in. my base is in coastal highway and i just saw that the cougars were apparently removed from CH after this patch and another one saying they fixed the issue of cougars appearing when they're turned off but cougar territory is still marked on the map.

is it possible the map is just bugged and they're not going to be there? after updating i opened up the game and it let me disable cougars again when the little "challenges" screen appeared upon loading up the save but the icon is still there.

it's just frustrating because i specifically wanted no cougars + passive wildlife on to have a more relaxing experience so it would be more about exploring and weather/resource-based survival, but this cougar possibility is giving me anxiety. are the cougars still attacking and appearing for anyone with these same circumstances?