HOT TAKE , or maybe not . I don’t know …
Okay so don’t get me wrong , I love having the sponsors having their product plastered all over the arena , I feel like it’s a cool flow for World Tour and it obviously fits in . But I feel like it’s getting shoved down our throats now . Just like real life advertisements lol . I really wished Bernal didn’t have any sponsor buildings , I feel like it takes away from the atmosphere of what Bernal is and it just feels a little out of place . And now that Las Vegas is getting replaced with essentially Fortune Stadium 2.0 Im a little worried for every future maps that comes out will have a sponsor section in each part of the map , etc , etc and won’t have its uniqueness like pre season 4 .
Am I alone on this , I know were only a little over year in now so maybe I’m just overreacting and being very picky and too soon to tell lol . But have ranked and every other game mode have regular maps and keep the unique maps that have sponsors in WT.
Okay so don’t get me wrong , I love having the sponsors having their product plastered all over the arena , I feel like it’s a cool flow for World Tour and it obviously fits in . But I feel like it’s getting shoved down our throats now . Just like real life advertisements lol . I really wished Bernal didn’t have any sponsor buildings , I feel like it takes away from the atmosphere of what Bernal is and it just feels a little out of place . And now that Las Vegas is getting replaced with essentially Fortune Stadium 2.0 Im a little worried for every future maps that comes out will have a sponsor section in each part of the map , etc , etc and won’t have its uniqueness like pre season 4 .
Am I alone on this , I know were only a little over year in now so maybe I’m just overreacting and being very picky and too soon to tell lol . But have ranked and every other game mode have regular maps and keep the unique maps that have sponsors in WT.