Genuinely, what is the issue with the light class?
I have seen people complaining up and down the wall for MONTHS about how light is runing the game, posting clips of them nearly killing or killing a light but dying anyways, etc.
But the reasons always seem to be changing, and don't seem to be light class specific.
1. Stun was busted, apparently. But after a certain point it turns out it wasn't really busted or powerful against automatic weapons, so people switched to complaining about first the fact it let them get killed after they wiped out the light, and now are complaining about how it interacts with melee.
The latter of which is entirely valid, I've been saying since launch that it needs to be changed so it doesn't just give you a free kill on a melee player.
But that has been a lauch issue, and could easily be changed by giving melee as a whole some kind of buff, rather than removing stun entirely.
Especially since medium and heavy could use better gapclose anyways.
2. The argument about the class itself was first that it was oppressive and too powerful, but after people pointed at the obvious MMH comp meta and the lack of lights at high level it switched to light being "annoying"
Which like, yes? The class is annoying to play against, but so is healbeam medium or a flamer heavy. The turret is basically a hitscan "if you're standing in this area take unavoidable damage" device, which is incredibly annoying.
Light is not alone in annoying/cheap playstyles. In fact, fighting a light can be more fair, since if you just hit your shots and use basic movement, they will just melt. Stuff like invis is pretty easy to see, and literally earrapes you when it's close.
It's super difficult and irritating to fight as melee, but, of course it is? Why the hell would it not be? It's the mobility and spacing class, what did you expect? Plus, if you catch them out once, they're almost as good as dead with most melee weapons.
Then it was about how oppressive a good light was against new/bad players. But this issue could be solved with just basic matchmaking?
Even just dividing players into like, 3 categories would solve this problem, then you'd just need to worry about derankers and stuff. Seems more like a matchmaking issue than a light issue.
- Light players don't play/can't hold objective properly.
This one is weird to me, cause it's a fairly untrue stereotype, but if it's a mechanical limitation that's preventing a class from having any real holding power on cashout, shouldn't that imply they need a buff?
- Specifically the M11.
I hate this gun, I despise it so much. I put this in here to express how much I hate it. But I think that's more an issue about how the automatic weapons are in this game as a whole.
They have always been meta or meta adjacent, and it genuinely feels like embark doesn't understand how to make the other slower weapons more genuinely viable.
The DB makes you get into kissing range, and the time between both shots often means you have to take greater time to space.
So what's the actual issue with lights? About half the clips I see where a light or team of lights get an "unfair kill" are people either killing one or two of the lights before they finally get taken out. Or the person genuinely is playing so badly it beggars belief.
which for the first one to me seems more than fair, you either just traded or died after taking out 2 or more enemies.
And the second one would just be fixed with basic casual matchmaking.
It's getting ridiculous. I've seen people calling the dagger OP. The weapon where 90% of its users can be countered with basic gamesense, and the other 10% have invested over 200 or so hours to learn how to use that janky piece of shit.
So please illustrate to me what the actual issue is. Because it feels like we've been moving the goalposts to justify hating a class that's been barely viable since launch, and only JUST got to a point where higher level players can compete with it somewhat.