What research suggests about theXeffect

Two quotes for you to ponder. The first basically says habits become habitualized by habitually doing them. Amazing! ha

"For the majority of participants, automaticity increased steadily over the days of the study supporting the assumption that repeating a behaviour in a consistent setting increases automaticity." (PHILLIPPA LALLY 2009:9)

A common idea with creating habits is that you need to do them everyday to be successful. Research suggest that's not true. Missing a day isn't the end of the world, just like missing a single X ain't either... Another quote...

"These results suggest that missing a day resulted in a nonsignificantly lower SRHI score the following day, but there were no longer-term costs associated with a single omission." (PHILLIPPA LALLY 2009:9)

For the whole story, check out the research paper: http://atlantaholisticmedicine.com/docs/How%20Habits%20are%20Formed.pdf