What are the best tv shows. Please recommend new or old
i have been free lately since i recently graduated from college and i want to chill for a year before finding a job. i have watched a lot of tv shows before , i am bad at picking cause i already tried 2 shows and never got passed 3 episodes
this are the tv shows i have already watched
Stranger things,
Queens gambit
the last of us
alice in borderland
sweet home
the witcher
all of us are dead
the 100
breaking bad
better call soul
game of thrones
black mirror
sweet tooth
good doctor
sex education
the boys
money heist
peaky blinders
locke and key
lord of the rings
yeah i know most of them are from netflix but these are the only one's i could finish watching and currently waiting for new seasons, i kinda like a adventure type or post-apocalpytic/survival type of tv shows