My school's World language program is a joke.

I'm going to start my senior year next year and I've always wanted to learn German. And next year at the start of my senior year I am planning to take German I. Every year I have tried to get into a world language class and every time it has failed. My freshman year I signed up for German I only for there not to be enough room and for me to get an email saying it that they didn't have enough room and asking if I wanted to take French instead. Except they sent that letter on the last day of my 8th grade year and I didn't see it until the first day of school my 9th grade year and by then it was too late. My sophomore year the German teacher quit (presumably because the school made her teach math as well and she realized how little respect math teachers get), and once again on my course selection card I put down German. Except I was unable to take german sophomore year because I can only take one online class and I would already be taking another online class. So my junior year I decided not to try German again and just put down French. Except apparently they didn't have enough room in French now and I wouldn't be taking it. So finally this year I put down German again, and I've talked to my guidance counselor about it and I'm planning to take German online my senior year. It took into my senior year for me to get into one world language class!