Mods this Is embarrassing and we have to talk

In the end I couldn't show you any proof I don't know if it's the subreddits rules or Reddit's itself but I will /have still shared their response to my objection of their removal because I genuinely think that isn't stupid/ embarrassing/ and everything else.

I usually don't make these kinds of post but the way you handle bans/removed posts is genuinely embarrassing and I have no other words to describe it.

  1. So the first two pictures are form rn or at least this day and I have no other words but this is baffling, embarrassing and not ok.

The post made was a question which poses no threat to anyone * do you sleep naked and if so then why* so why was it removed well they don't know exactly so will they post it back up no why would they they don't care. Well I know why it's because of the word naked I know it and you know it so stop lying and tell the truth. That the automod made a mistake and that the post had nothing wrong with it and it can be posted back up.

  1. We go back a bit to a comment I made that was also removed why? Because of NSFW. There is nothing on that comment that is NSFW you have to be old enough to understand the joke so that you can even understand what about that I'd NSFW. So why was it removed I don't know. Also you can clearly see that the comments was a joke and at least 500 people agreed that it was a funny joke so it can not and did not ever hurt anyone.

3.the fourth picture is the only picture that isn't mine now what is wrong with it. The comment those are comments that can actually do harm and they should not be on this subreddit. The fact that I(the person that took the picture (u/theredpandafromspace)) was even able to see this is not ok and you should do better when dealing with comments. Because you can see what comment are actually bad and what comment are ok/funny/not hurting anyone

  1. that is the other post that was removed (5) what is better femboy or tomboy what is wrong with it? I still don't know they say the NSFW tab but I feel like on that post specifically that tag can or can not be used based on what the user chooses. I chose to use it in case someone in the comments gets a little out of hand so that people are warned. Also if I can't use the tag why have it/ why have a rule that I can/ can not discuss NSFW topics.

  2. The question the person posting posts. It's annoying that I can't even say what it is because automod will remove the post in seconds.also why can't I just post them those can be and are interesting to the community why? Because you can ask someone something that they know/are knowledgeable In. Now the excuse but but all the submissions is annoying even if there are 6 posts about a mechanic question the 7th one can still be interesting. Why? Because everyone has a different view point on this planet so awnsers to the same question can be different. And if you don't wanna see another one you can just ignore it.

  3. Another thing you ban people on this sub for no reason one of the most famous times that it had happened was with u/Kat-444. I will not be saying what happened she can tell that herself. But the ammount of people I have seen being banned for ever or just a couple of days (people that I know did nothing serious) is just not ok.

  4. The no picture weekend is stupid and you know it. What if you take an interesting photo that you wanna share what now? You gonna wait for 3-4 days for it to end? No you won't why would you want to you just won't ever make the post so please remove it I know it comes form somewhere good and that you just want more talking less memes but the weekend just don't feel good on this subreddit.

  5. Get more people on board or do a better job, also the response I got on the sleep post is embarrassing and I want another one explaing exactly why it was removed and how it can harm someone.

  6. This sub is filled with ped0s and I don't think it's ok. This is not only your fault but as a community no actual the biggest community about teenegers you should work with Reddit to make it safer and don't even try to tell me that you are trying because I got 2 pesos the second I changed my pfp to a catgirl. So do better.

  7. Let's talk about s0icide I have made a post where I just mentioned it and it got removed why I don't know but did it say in a bad thing no the post was about helping people going through tuf times and the mods still removed it and didn't want to put it back up. I have seen multiple posts about suicide and the mods didn't remove it but just comment on how to get help so why was mine removed were there was advice on how to get better/ get in a better state of mind

So I want to see changes. And I want you to start interacting/talking to the community more now I'm not online all the time but at the end of the day you people are the mods I should still see you sometimes but I don't.

This isn't only for the mods it's for the whole community and I personally want you to also start complaining about stuff that you think they are doing wrong at the end of the day we are the hart and soul of this community so we should have the final say.

In the end I couldn't show you any proof I don't know if it's the subreddits rules or Reddit's itself but I will /have still shared their response to my objection of their removal because I genuinely think that isn't stupid/ embarrassing/ and everything else.

I usually don't make these kinds of post but the way you handle bans/removed posts is genuinely embarrassing and I have no other words to describe it.

  1. So the first two pictures are form rn or at least this day and I have no other words but this is baffling, embarrassing and not ok.

The post made was a question which poses no threat to anyone * do you sleep naked and if so then why* so why was it removed well they don't know exactly so will they post it back up no why would they they don't care. Well I know why it's because of the word naked I know it and you know it so stop lying and tell the truth. That the automod made a mistake and that the post had nothing wrong with it and it can be posted back up.

  1. We go back a bit to a comment I made that was also removed why? Because of NSFW. There is nothing on that comment that is NSFW you have to be old enough to understand the joke so that you can even understand what about that I'd NSFW. So why was it removed I don't know. Also you can clearly see that the comments was a joke and at least 500 people agreed that it was a funny joke so it can not and did not ever hurt anyone.

3.the fourth picture is the only picture that isn't mine now what is wrong with it. The comment those are comments that can actually do harm and they should not be on this subreddit. The fact that I(the person that took the picture (u/theredpandafromspace)) was even able to see this is not ok and you should do better when dealing with comments. Because you can see what comment are actually bad and what comment are ok/funny/not hurting anyone

  1. that is the other post that was removed (5) what is better femboy or tomboy what is wrong with it? I still don't know they say the NSFW tab but I feel like on that post specifically that tag can or can not be used based on what the user chooses. I chose to use it in case someone in the comments gets a little out of hand so that people are warned. Also if I can't use the tag why have it/ why have a rule that I can/ can not discuss NSFW topics.

  2. The question the person posting posts. It's annoying that I can't even say what it is because automod will remove the post in seconds.also why can't I just post them those can be and are interesting to the community why? Because you can ask someone something that they know/are knowledgeable In. Now the excuse but but all the submissions is annoying even if there are 6 posts about a mechanic question the 7th one can still be interesting. Why? Because everyone has a different view point on this planet so awnsers to the same question can be different. And if you don't wanna see another one you can just ignore it.

  3. Another thing you ban people on this sub for no reason one of the most famous times that it had happened was with u/Kat-444. I will not be saying what happened she can tell that herself. But the ammount of people I have seen being banned for ever or just a couple of days (people that I know did nothing serious) is just not ok.

  4. The no picture weekend is stupid and you know it. What if you take an interesting photo that you wanna share what now? You gonna wait for 3-4 days for it to end? No you won't why would you want to you just won't ever make the post so please remove it I know it comes form somewhere good and that you just want more talking less memes but the weekend just don't feel good on this subreddit.

  5. Get more people on board or do a better job, also the response I got on the sleep post is embarrassing and I want another one explaing exactly why it was removed and how it can harm someone.

  6. This sub is filled with ped0s and I don't think it's ok. This is not only your fault but as a community no actual the biggest community about teenegers you should work with Reddit to make it safer and don't even try to tell me that you are trying because I got 2 pesos the second I changed my pfp to a catgirl. So do better.

  7. Let's talk about s0icide I have made a post where I just mentioned it and it got removed why I don't know but did it say in a bad thing no the post was about helping people going through tuf times and the mods still removed it and didn't want to put it back up. I have seen multiple posts about suicide and the mods didn't remove it but just comment on how to get help so why was mine removed were there was advice on how to get better/ get in a better state of mind

So I want to see changes. And I want you to start interacting/talking to the community more now I'm not online all the time but at the end of the day you people are the mods I should still see you sometimes but I don't.

This isn't only for the mods it's for the whole community and I personally want you to also start complaining about stuff that you think they are doing wrong at the end of the day we are the hart and soul of this community so we should have the final say.