Another school shooting in America
I’ve just become desensitized to hearing about shootings. Like yeah it’s sad but it happens so often.
I don’t see a good reason why I have to get a permit for driving, alcohol, cannabis, etc. But I could go out and buy a gun RIGHT NOW if i wanted to.
I don’t see a good reason why we ban books, but have ZERO restrictive laws on guns? No one has ever died from a mass reading.
I don’t see a good reason why PARAMEDICS have to wear body armor when they are trying to help people not die.
I don’t see a good reason why the school, who received a direct warning from the student, didn’t go on lockdown.
I don’t see a good reason why little children have to do active shooter drills, and older teens have to go to school knowing that anyone could have a weapon at any time.
I don't see a good reason why people can easily sneak weapons into campus. I mean, people have already brought knives AND USED them. What if it escalates?
Something needs to happen what with how easy it is to access guns. This self-proclaimed “greatest country on earth” has so many problems that our congressmen refuse to acknowledge.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk I guess. /rant over.