Request by coteacher to share materials
So one of my coteachers has asked me if I can share some of my supplementary materials with him so he can use them at his other school. He’s part time at my school and teaches at other schools too. By supplementary materials I mean things like general conversation activities/game ppts that I’ve made.
I don’t know this teacher very well. He’s new to my school and I’ve only worked with him about a week or so. That being said, he’s a nice guy and has been real good about translation help during my lessons for students unable to follow along well enough due to language difficulties.
I spend ALOT of time prepping at my school. humble brag incoming And my ppts and lessons are very thorough and well designed. I’ve had many a coteacher tell me this.
The thing is though, it’s a lot of work on my part. I put a lot of effort into the work (mostly because I enjoy it and being over-prepared eases my anxiety) and even when I’ve got down time at my school (desk warming/school wide testing/free periods/etc) I often use that time to add to my supplementary materials folder.
Like I said, I enjoy the work and the guy is super nice and helpful in class BUT it feels kind of weird for someone who barely knows me to ask for a collection of work I’ve put so much time and effort into.
Am I overthinking this? Would you guys give away something like this to someone you barely know just out of the kindness of your heart?