Owing taxes in a state I don’t live in
I was born and raised in North Carolina but left in 2016. I lived in Florida from 2016-2021. From 2016-2021 I was a full time coffee industry worker (claimed all my tips) and filed a normal W-2. Now in 2025 the NCDOR has reached out saying I owe them 2k for 2019 and 3k for 2020 despite not living or working there during those years. Despite only making 28-30k for both of those years the greedy disgusting animals at the NCDOR would like to ruin my life. I have provided my W2s from those years which clearly state my Florida residence and Florida income. I am unable to provide lease or utility documentation because I was living with friends/renting from friends on a handshake deal. As all of the communication between me and the NCDOR occurs via snail mail because it’s the 19th century in that office, and it is all sent to my parents house, it has gotten to the point where I fear I will be sent to collection. Finally I laid down and decided to try and get on a payment plan just to get the whole situation behind me. But of course the payment installment application has been denied. What on earth do I do? I can’t prove my residence in a way that they will leave me alone and I can’t afford to pay the whole chunk outright and they won’t approve my payment plan application. Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated.