I pulled some cards about a love situation I’m dealing with—one where we haven’t met yet due to bad timing, but he keeps reaching out every once in a while to meet up. To be honest, I’m hesitant because he’s a well-known person. I did a quick three-card spread, and I’m curious about what a more seasoned reader might think of the results.
If you’re curious this deck was a gift and it’s the sunset tarot deck. I believe my friend got it on Amazon
I pulled some cards about a love situation I’m dealing with—one where we haven’t met yet due to bad timing, but he keeps reaching out every once in a while to meet up. To be honest, I’m hesitant because he’s a well-known person. I did a quick three-card spread, and I’m curious about what a more seasoned reader might think of the results.
If you’re curious this deck was a gift and it’s the sunset tarot deck. I believe my friend got it on Amazon