I hate being tall (6'3, 24M)

I know that short guys will come after me for this one. But realistically, I hate being tall. There's a few reasons to this, and while being tall does have some perks, people overestimate those perks, especially shorter people.

  1. You don't automatically have success with women just because you're tall. In fact, any success I've had has been because of me working on my personality. Short guys tend to make it seem like you get a girl's phone number every day because you're tall. That's not how it works. I've seen short guys with way more game than me all the time

  2. Being tall sometimes mellows out your personality. Just like how some shorter guys will have Napoleonic syndrome and be more aggressive or outgoing to compensate for being short, some tall guys (including me) are naturally more reserved due to the height. I really hate it and would take being 5'3 any day over acting the way that I normally do

  3. Nothing fits. I never have any leg room and I'm always self conscious about stretching my legs out under a table, even if there's no one there. Tables are always the wrong height, and some of the desks in lecture halls are too short for my leg to fit under them

  4. It's way harder to build muscle. If you're short, you're more compressed and so your muscles get bigger faster. Not so if you're tall. It's very hard to put on muscle appreciably.

  5. It killed my dreams of sprinting. Almost everyone who sprints in track seems to be short. I hate running long distance and IDC that I'm tall, I hate it and I always will hate long distance. Ik this also is related to fast twitch muscles, but damn, I hate the fact that I couldn't have been good at it.

I do feel bad for shorter guys in some ways, but also it really annoys me when they complain and act like their life would be a utopia if they were 3 inches taller.