Season 50 no list

So I thought we could try something fun, I have seen alot of dream castings for season 50, I think it would be interesting to see who as a fanbase we don't wanna see again that stands a chance of making it and while it is unconfirmed, I do suspect that the production team do look online so you never know, might influence something

For me, I have about 5 I really don't wanna see that I can see trying to

1) jalinski - I really just didn't like his defeatist attitude, for me (and many others I dream of making it on survivor) I wouldn't have given up on the challenge regardless of what the case and he gave up on 2.... I can't see that changing

2) Maria - while it's fresh in my head, I didn't like the bitterness she showed towards Charlie and I can't see her being any less bitter if she made other alliances and they betrayed her

3) Carla - from 42, blast from the past but the moment she tried to blackmail her way in the jury by threatening her ally to keep her or she will turn the jury against her, whether she succeeded or not is not important, the fact she played that card should naturally discount her from ever playing again

4) Brandon - from 45, I am truly worried that he will be brought back for redemption and I couldn't be less interested in it... I hope he doesn't come back

5) finally Bhanu - he had no purpose playing the game, he couldn't survive by himself and needed to be actively coached on how to play the game in the game.... Jeff famously said some people shouldn't get off the couch to play and Bhanu is exactly who shouldn't.