Didn't love Cook Islands. What am I missing?
Some context: I’m still a newbie Survivor watcher, and so far I’ve seen half of Borneo, and completed Pearl Islands, China, Tocantins, Samoa, and Cagayan.
When looking for my next season, Cook Islands generally has a lot of praise, but I didn’t feel like it lived up to the hype.
Pre merger, I truly felt like the cast was not necessarily memorable in any sort of way, and I didn’t like the rules of the idol this season either. Why did no one vote Yul earlier so they could at least get the idol out of his hands and back door someone else?? Why did no one think of that? I think Yul was a very careful and strategic player, but I do feel like the idol and no one plotting against him carried him to the end. I know Parvati returns for Micronesia but I didn’t find her compelling this season. Where was the strategy from everyone else, I guess with the exception of Jonathan and Candace?
Am I just not appreciating all this season has to offer? I would love to hear spoiler free feedback and your personal opinions on the season and what I’m missing.