Morocco: Worth it or not?
Title pretty much says it all. Going to South Africa to visit family in late January/early February and was thinking of extending my trip and spending a fortnight or so in Morocco. I am originally from Western Australia and am fairly comfortable surfing decent size (overhead) reef breaks found along the South west coast and have taken a handful of trips to Indonesia (Bali, Krui etc.), however have always wanted to surf those long pointbreaks Morocco is famous for. Despite this I have heard mixed reviews about the surfing there (water quality, crowds, localism) and would like some opinions from anyone who has been in the past year or so on whether it is worth the trip or not, especially given the cost of flights from Australia. Although I generally don't like surf camps, given that I will be travelling alone I was thinking this may be a better option for me given I only have 2 or so weeks in the country.