SML Idea: The Food Drive Mission!

Synopsis: Junior and Loan Dolphin have a food driving mission!



Loan Dolphin

Mr. Dinkle (killer; does not speak)

Joseph (Happy Meal)

Cody (Happy Meal)

Shark Puppet (Happy Meal with Cheese)

Penelope (Happy Meal)

Duggie (KFC)

Shrek (Cheesecake)

Woody (Popcorn Shrimpos)

Tony the Tiger (Frosted Flakes)

Mr. Pig (Haribo Smurfs)

Mr. Corndog the Rumple Bear (Cheese Balls)

Jeffy (Tomato Soup)

Marvin (Hot Dogs)

Rose (Salmon)

Scooter (Chicken Curry)

Chef Pee Pee (Chick Fil A)

Braxton (Chick Fil A)

Ms. Jill (Chick Fil A)

Lil' T (Chick Fil A)

Zack (Chick Fil A)

Jackie Chu (Panda Express)

Bott Buddy (Panda Express)

Billy (Panda Express)

Brad (Panda Express)

Ping (Panda Express)

Pong (Panda Express)

Tom Brady (Panda Express)

Windowa (Panda Express)

Sandals (Panda Express)

Hank (Pizza)

Timmy (Pizza)

Suzanne (Pizza)

Suzi (Pizza)

Craig (Carolina Reaper Wings)

CJ (Carolina Reaper Wings)

Screwball (Carolina Reaper Wings)

Judy (Pork)

Tyrone (Blackberries)

Goodman (Filet Mignon with Mashed Potatoes)

Richard (Big Mac)

Big Red





King Pig



The Stupid One

Brooklyn Guy (Olive Garden)

Karen (Olive Garden)

Jonathan (Olive Garden)


Officer Cuddlesworth



Stormtrooper Pigs


Dr. Me

Taco Bell Chihuahua

Characters in animation about Brooklyn Guy driving a limousine with a lot of friends whe surviving an extreme traffic accident: Wisdom Teeth Willy, Noah Pickens, Melanie McPromDates, William Williamsons, Vincent Stark, Pulls the Fire Alarm Paul, Gary Lips Gluegunk, Trevor, Travis, Trent, Lisa Lugo, Lester Lego, Billy and Bobby Bowling Hands, Mad Eyes McGee, Byron Easter Egg Britches, Hide and Seek Zeke, Ding Dong Ditch Mitch, Katie Knockers with the Big Ham Hockers, Samantha Knob Gobbler, Baked Ziti Feety Petey, Butt Licker Stinky Butt McGoo, Luke the Waiter, Fish Thrower Felix and Old Man Teddy, Macaroni Jones, Mabel the Marble Muncher, Witness Protective Wanda, 911 Nathan, Injured People

Cops: Brooklyn Guy, Simmons, Chief, Officer Cuddlesworth

Doctors: Dr. Me, Taco Bell Chihuahua

Rushed to the hospital by Dr. Me and Taco Bell Chihuahua: Penelope, Mr. Pig, Mr. Corndog, Scooter, Lil' T, Zack, Chef Pee Pee, Braxton, Ms. Jill, Brad, Ping, Pong, Tom Brady, Sandals, Suzi, CJ, Goodman, Chives, Richard, Big Red, Blue, Speedy, Taliban, Toni, King Pig, Ray, Greg, The Stupid One

Kill Count: 28


Penelope was shot by Mr. Dinkle

Mr. Pig seized up from choking on Haribo Smurfs

Mr. Corndog suffocated and choked inside some cheese balls

Scooter had his head cut in half by a bowl

Lil' T was shot by Mr. Dinkle and Zack fell to the floor and choked on a Chicken Sandwich

Chef Pee Pee, Braxton and Ms. Jill were crushed by the table

Brad plummeted to the ground

Ping and Pong were cut in half by Brad's surfboard

Tom Brady has the same fate as Brad

Sandals was shot by Mr. Dinkle

Suzi was shot by Mr. Dinkle

Mr. Dinkle threw a grenade at CJ

When Goodman tries to spank chives, Mr. Dinkle shoot them and they plummet to the ground

Richard gets killed in an explosion

Big Red, Blue, Speedy, Taliban, Toni, King Pig, Ray, Greg and The Stupid One get killed in an explosion

Permanent Kill Count: 21

Mr Dinkle and the Stormtrooper Pigs get killed in a car explosion after Simmons shot the car.

Mr. Dinkle was permanently bit by Officer Cuddlesworth

Synopsis: Junior and Loan Dolphin have a food driving mission!



Loan Dolphin

Mr. Dinkle (killer; does not speak)

Joseph (Happy Meal)

Cody (Happy Meal)

Shark Puppet (Happy Meal with Cheese)

Penelope (Happy Meal)

Duggie (KFC)

Shrek (Cheesecake)

Woody (Popcorn Shrimpos)

Tony the Tiger (Frosted Flakes)

Mr. Pig (Haribo Smurfs)

Mr. Corndog the Rumple Bear (Cheese Balls)

Jeffy (Tomato Soup)

Marvin (Hot Dogs)

Rose (Salmon)

Scooter (Chicken Curry)

Chef Pee Pee (Chick Fil A)

Braxton (Chick Fil A)

Ms. Jill (Chick Fil A)

Lil' T (Chick Fil A)

Zack (Chick Fil A)

Jackie Chu (Panda Express)

Bott Buddy (Panda Express)

Billy (Panda Express)

Brad (Panda Express)

Ping (Panda Express)

Pong (Panda Express)

Tom Brady (Panda Express)

Windowa (Panda Express)

Sandals (Panda Express)

Hank (Pizza)

Timmy (Pizza)

Suzanne (Pizza)

Suzi (Pizza)

Craig (Carolina Reaper Wings)

CJ (Carolina Reaper Wings)

Screwball (Carolina Reaper Wings)

Judy (Pork)

Tyrone (Blackberries)

Goodman (Filet Mignon with Mashed Potatoes)

Richard (Big Mac)

Big Red





King Pig



The Stupid One

Brooklyn Guy (Olive Garden)

Karen (Olive Garden)

Jonathan (Olive Garden)


Officer Cuddlesworth



Stormtrooper Pigs


Dr. Me

Taco Bell Chihuahua

Characters in animation about Brooklyn Guy driving a limousine with a lot of friends whe surviving an extreme traffic accident: Wisdom Teeth Willy, Noah Pickens, Melanie McPromDates, William Williamsons, Vincent Stark, Pulls the Fire Alarm Paul, Gary Lips Gluegunk, Trevor, Travis, Trent, Lisa Lugo, Lester Lego, Billy and Bobby Bowling Hands, Mad Eyes McGee, Byron Easter Egg Britches, Hide and Seek Zeke, Ding Dong Ditch Mitch, Katie Knockers with the Big Ham Hockers, Samantha Knob Gobbler, Baked Ziti Feety Petey, Butt Licker Stinky Butt McGoo, Luke the Waiter, Fish Thrower Felix and Old Man Teddy, Macaroni Jones, Mabel the Marble Muncher, Witness Protective Wanda, 911 Nathan, Injured People

Cops: Brooklyn Guy, Simmons, Chief, Officer Cuddlesworth

Doctors: Dr. Me, Taco Bell Chihuahua

Rushed to the hospital by Dr. Me and Taco Bell Chihuahua: Penelope, Mr. Pig, Mr. Corndog, Scooter, Lil' T, Zack, Chef Pee Pee, Braxton, Ms. Jill, Brad, Ping, Pong, Tom Brady, Sandals, Suzi, CJ, Goodman, Chives, Richard, Big Red, Blue, Speedy, Taliban, Toni, King Pig, Ray, Greg, The Stupid One

Kill Count: 28


Penelope was shot by Mr. Dinkle

Mr. Pig seized up from choking on Haribo Smurfs

Mr. Corndog suffocated and choked inside some cheese balls

Scooter had his head cut in half by a bowl

Lil' T was shot by Mr. Dinkle and Zack fell to the floor and choked on a Chicken Sandwich

Chef Pee Pee, Braxton and Ms. Jill were crushed by the table

Brad plummeted to the ground

Ping and Pong were cut in half by Brad's surfboard

Tom Brady has the same fate as Brad

Sandals was shot by Mr. Dinkle

Suzi was shot by Mr. Dinkle

Mr. Dinkle threw a grenade at CJ

When Goodman tries to spank chives, Mr. Dinkle shoot them and they plummet to the ground

Richard gets killed in an explosion

Big Red, Blue, Speedy, Taliban, Toni, King Pig, Ray, Greg and The Stupid One get killed in an explosion

Permanent Kill Count: 21

Mr Dinkle and the Stormtrooper Pigs get killed in a car explosion after Simmons shot the car.

Mr. Dinkle was permanently bit by Officer Cuddlesworth