fixing bad SML videos: Jeffy's Bad Word.
So bascily I'm gonna be fixing the plot of certain bad SML videos and try to make them good or not as bad as they were. So I'm gonna do Jeffy's bad word.
The beginning part and Jeffy hearing the bad word:
So the video begins similar to the original with Mario going to the store with Jeffy, then Hansel jumps into the street, Mario gets mad and called hobo the F slur, then Jeffy repeats it. However we'll change the f slur to cunt. So Mario says "Get out of the road to cunt!" instead of "Get out of the road you f***ot" and Jeffy begins repeating it.
The store scene:
The story part also begins similar with the "Black Lights Matter" joke, however instead of Jeffy calling Tyroen the f slur, resulting in Tyron thinking Mario said it and beat him up. Mario just gets the lightbulb but continues to walk around the store with Jeffy tog et more things with Jeffy randomly shouting cunt at innocent customers. Eventually the store manager tells Mario that he needs to leave because of Jeffy's use that word, Mario tries to get Jeffy to stop but he doesn't resulting in Mario getting kicked out and banned from the store.
Jeffy gets spanked:
So after Mario spanks Jeffy for saying Cunt, he goes to hide while Rosalina is mad at Mario for doing that, Rosalina finds Jeffy and is still very traumatized about the spanking, however unlike the original Jeffy doesn't accuse Mario of rape, and Rosalina takes Jeffy to bed, however instead of calling the police, Jeffy, still feeling shaken decided to sneak out of the house an run away, sneaking through the window. After sometime when Rosalina leaves, Mario decided to go into the bedroom and tries to talk and reason with Jeffy, however he noticed that Jeffy isn't in the house and sees that the window is open, Mario freaks out and sets out to find Jeffy, not really because he cares about Jeffy, but mainly he's concerned that Jeffy is running around shouting cunt. Mario walks around trying to find Jeffy and he eventually does because it turns out he was just hiding in a bush right outside the apartment. Mario tells Jeffy to get back inside, Jeffy refuses, and Mario then tries to talk with Jeffy and he said that he won't hit Jeffy as long as he promises to never say Cunt again, which Jeffy decided he won't say the Cunt, and because this is old Jeffy, he also said he won't say any word that begins with C in general.
The ending:
At the end of the video, Mario is on the couch with Rosalina and Jeffy, Mario talks about the events last night and Rosalina is happy they managed to resolve things. However when Mario gets up to use the bathroom, however he stubs his toe and shouts "Motherfucker!" and as a result, Jeffy starts saying that word with eh cycle starting over again. Mario just groans and leaves the room.
And that's how I would try to improve Jeffy's bad word.