For those who don’t consider yourself transphobic but won’t take a trans woman as your SB, what’s your reason?
I came across a few posts and saw some people saying that they won’t date a trans woman even if she’s post-op, passing and beautiful, and that got me curious:
For those of you who are cis-straight male and don’t consider yourself transphobic, what’s your reason? Maybe I can help answer some misconceptions.
Please keep in mind that, a person doesn’t need to commit hate crime against trans people to be transphobic, if a person fits the dictionary definition of transphobia (“dislike or prejudice against trans people”) then they are transphobic.
—————————————————— Reasons: ——————————————————
R: “Trans women are biological male/men”
A: If “Biologically trans women who are post-op and have been on HRT for years are similar to cis men” is a true statement, then that means: Your average cis men have developed breasts, have feminine body fat distribution, have a vagina, don’t have penises and testicles, have smooth skins, so on and so forth. No, trans women who are on HRT and are post-op are not “biologically male”. If anything, trans people who are on HRT are biologically closer to intersex people.
If you wish to learn more about it, check out this post: —————————
R: “Are neo vaginas anywhere close to natal vaginas?”
A: Actually, with modern methods, the work of many surgeons can actually pass as a natal vagina at a gynecologist visit! From reports, most of them feels the same for the men when penetrated. But again, just like any surgies, there are shit doctors too.
R: “Trans women are full of drama.”
A: Just like cis women, some are full of drama and some aren’t.
R: “I have a breeding fetish and knowing she doesn’t have the risk of getting pregnant is not fulfilling to me.”
A: As long as you can hold the same standard to cis women who are infertile, that’s valid.
R: “Phobia means afraid of, im not afraid of trans women so im not transphobic!”
A: Your olive oil is hydrophobic, they must be screaming in terror when they contact water.