Avoid All Strata - the only thing they’ll manage is adding your funds to their bottom line.

Slow to no responses, or otherwise non sensical or generic google responses that don’t address specifics for your actual strata complex, trigger happy and exorbitant charges for said ‘advice’. Truly terrible customer service. Pedal to the metal on profit only. Avoid. Avoid. Avoid. Check your contracts. Don’t let them estimate your budget - they inflate your opex and then just help themselves to it under guise of additional services. They are cash incentivised to manage requests slowly and draw out matters in order to charge for them. Read your contract line by painstakingly boring line! Ask to approve every single invoice. Do not lock in for years. This is a PSA warning! Look for strata management where you’re more hands on or if a large complex and that’s not feasible then look for fixed price strata managers which are starting to appear on the market and break the gawds awful business models pushed by PICA and their minion servants - eg, All Strata. Times are tough - you can literally save thousands by taking some time to understand details, which are the dark shadows these immoral businesses hide behind. They rely on people not reading/understanding the fine print!