Hearts in Atlantis….. wow!

I know this book wasn’t your typical horror story but holy hell this book sparked something fierce inside me while reading it.

I’ll start by saying I’m a pretty big horror/thriller fan and I would even go as far as to say that I actually prefer my horror/thriller novels to be as dark and gritty as possible but I came into this book blind and it was nothing like that at all and it hooked me like nothing else.

I still can’t put my finger on it. It was just so god damn well written and even though it was basically just a fiction novel with a lingering supernatural element teetering on maybe thriller if anything, that book resonated with something deep down inside of me.

It had that intense feeling kind of like The Body where you are thrown back into your own childhood with such vivid and visceral emotions and imagery in it that at times I felt like a kid reading it or I could really feel like I was the boy in the book. Not many works of fiction can do this to me. Take me and connect to me on such a brilliant level.

I don’t really even have anything to discuss about the plot itself or anything. I was kind of just in awe with how it made me feel. Did anyone else get that from this book?

I might possibly be able to say (in my opinion) that was the best clean cut novel that I have ever read.

Wow! Owen Wilson’s voice