Reading the film novelizations for the first time!
So, as sacrilege as it is, I’ve never read The Revenge of the Sith novelization, which I understand many to consider one of the best, if not the best, SW book of them all. And while I’ve obviously seen all of the movies many, many times over, I’ve in fact not read ANY of the novelizations. I think I’d like to finally knock out all nine (even though I know not all of them get even close to the same praise as ROTS) but I’m not necessarily a stickler for order, consistency between Canon/Legends, or reading them immediately after one another. Probably like many here, I also have other books I’d like to read on my never-ending list. So my question to all of you fine folks is, should I just go ahead and treat myself to ROTS right off the bat, and get around to the others when I have time, or should I read them in chronological order, or is there perhaps an even better argument for release order? I’ll probably read the original novelizations all in a row anyway, since they’re so short… and printed together in the edition I have. Thanks for any input fellow bookworms!