When do you think pledged ships start taking away from the game experience?
I got into star citizen recently, and I've been blown away to say the least. As of 4.0, I haven't been able to stop playing lol
Since my avenger titan, I've moved to a reliant tana, and now a c1 spirit. While all 3 of these ships are great in their own right, Ive come to realize that the c1 is the perfect daily driver for my playstyle.
Im currently working towards a constellation, but wondered if just upgrading my pledge to a connie to save some time and effort. And it got me thinking... why?
As of right now, the main objective in the game is to buy ships and upgrades, to help bolster game loops. So when one buys a late game ship, you're essentially paying to remove the sole/main reason for playing.
I understand that grinding a game for hours on end is unrealistic for most people with jobs and lives, bur for someone who can play a good bit I don't see the point.
I love the feeling of hopping into a little shit box ship wondering if I'll explode at any moment lol. Im considering melting my c1 for a few smaller ship for this very reason
Where do you 'draw the line', in terms of pledges?
Edit: I wish I could comment more but I'm at work lmao