Y'all, if you want guidance in spirituality, stop going to chatGPT.

It cannot help you, and only serves to distract. Look inwards, and talk about your reflections with real people. You'll get more (any) progress from a thinking, reasoning human than from an algorithm.

Edit :

Everyone defending their use of Algorithmic Intelligence, do what you feel is right.

But you're not talking with a person that understands or has answers. You are inputing data and getting a regurgitation in the approximation you request. Every single prompt and action you throw at the algorithm costs more energy and water use than virtually any other means of getting that information, and what's more, that information served to you isn't for the good of relaying accurate information. It's served to you to keep you engaged with it, to keep you bound to it.

Bind yourself to truth, to the love energy, to your fellow living things. Binding yourself to an algorithm fed to you by technocrats will only serve to lower yourself (and those you convince to fall into these programs) into a spiritual pit that you will spend lifetimes crawling back out of.