How to stop having a weird kink while high?
Hi reddit i was high on speed a few weeks ago, and when i was, i was jerking of to ra*e porn and SA subreddits and just fapping to the stories of poor girls telling about how they were SA’d. i feel horrible about it, i cant stop judging my self for liking it so much. Do anyone have any tips so that i wont do it again next time im speeding, and am i a horrible person fof liking it so much? I haven’t watched it since. And am i alone in this? am i the weird one? i know speed makes you suuper horny, but i didn’t think it made me a «monster». im not kink shaming, but im just talking for me. Thanks for any answers any how :P
Sorry if poor grammer, english is not my motherlanguage.
edit: im using a alt account because my friends know my main account