Teach me, oh biltong masters
I've started having a massive craving for biltong, and want to learn how to make it myself.
What I have is:
* a hot, dry garage
* patience
What I need is:
* the best recipe
* guidance on what's the best cut to use
* guidance on where to buy it (from my previous attempts, it seemed like buying from retailers like PnP would make the whole endeavour cost pretty much the same as just buying biltong straight)
Please, if you know what you're doing, share your wisdom. I love making stuff, and I feel like I'm fumbling around in the dark here.
Also, how the heck do you stop the curing process? I made some once, and when I first tried it it was delicious, but then about a week later it had turned into a shrivelled strip of pretty much just salt.