Please help me. The pain is unbearable.

I've "watched" playthrough of this game in 2015 but didn't really follow what was happening - it was more like an ambient thing to avoid silence while I was working. Two years ago during Puss in Boots : The Last Wish movie (it's great too, watch it if you haven't) I suddenly remembered about SOMA and gave it a try.

Holy shit.

There is no other medium I can point to that surpasses this game in terms of atmosphere and story. Looking in the mirror after learning you're a robot. Watching Simon II slowly take his last breath. Knowing that after launching the ARK and causing Catherine to overload her cortex chip while station systems were shutting down meant Simon III will die alone in total darkness. I've not stopped thinking about this game for two years straight. I feel like my brain developed additional lobe that is only focused on SOMA's story and its moral dilemmas.

The world felt real. The story had no holes. The ending just left me with void that can never be filled.

I don't feel worthy of this experience. Since then I can't find joy in other movies and games because they just don't compare in terms of worldbuilding this game had to offer. I feel like I'm suffering more than Simon.

So going back to my plead for help - is there a way to cause memory loss so that I can forget this game even existed. They say time heals all wounds, but mine is only getting bigger.