Struggling at party hostels

I've been solo traveling south America for 4 months straight, And had many good experiences and spontaneous friendships.

Would define myself an extrovert, if a struggling one.

Sometimes I get caught into the vortex where I reach a new hostel/ city, and everything seems strange and remote. This especially happens to me in bigger hostels and party hostels.

It usually goes like this: I check in, the staff doesn't really notice me and I feel like a stranger, I get into my room pretty anxious, feels like anybody's knowing eachother already, so I doom scroll through social media. Sometimes i skip meals/ go to sleep early as well. Can go on for days.

when I get into those situations, I can't seem to break the cycle until I switch hostels/ destinations, or by pure luck get into a spontaneous friendship that somehow works.

Has anybody experienced something similar?

p.s. Writing this from a burger king after escaping a party hostel🫠