I don't think episode 24 could have been made any better.
I see some people complaining that the fight isn't a perfect match to the manhwa or that some scenes were added. I understand that people feel these changes hurt the anime in someway. However, I just wanted to share my thoughts on this. How would these scenes actually play out if we were to 1 to 1 animate the manhwa to anime? I feel like they would not look the best.
Every single manga that becomes an anime has scenes added and removed. Some things probably don't translate into being animated as much as we think they would. We also have to remember that the anime, while enjoyed by many of us who enjoy the manhwa, is a whole different base that is being targeted. Many people who watch anime do not consume manga/manhwa. I was one of those people for over 10 years of my life, I couldn't enjoy manga or mamhwa so all of my knowledge was based on the anime.
I do believe everyone should have their own opinions and I don't think we should be tearing down other peoples opinions simply because they don't align. Whether you liked this episode, hated this episode, liked certain parts, or didn't like certain parts. If you didn't enjoy this episode, I truly hope there are other episodes that you enjoyed and loved. Everyone deserves to enjoy SL in whatever form you choose to consume it in.