Need help figuring out almost 22mo sleep

The last 3 nights my almost 22mo has started screaming at bedtime. He will lay down quietly after I lay him down in his crib for a couple minutes but then immediately starts SCREAMING and saying “mommy”. He will stand there and scream at the top of his lungs. He makes an attempt to climb over the side of the crib and that’s what I go in. When I get to him he is so hot and sweaty.

As soon as I lay my hand on his back he is quiet. He falls asleep with me just in the room. I don’t need to rub his back or anything. I literally sit next to the crib and wait for him to go to sleep then sneak out. The room is pitch black so he can’t SEE me but he knows I’m there!!

We returned from travel over a week ago where there was a time change. So his wake windows have been on the shorter side make up for the jet lag/ sleep lost during travel.

He typically puts himself to sleep no problem. He goes to daycare 5 days a week and he’s naps are always shorter ranging from 1.25-1.75 hours which we’ve handled with early bedtimes. Wake windows right now are around 5/5.25. These last couple nights he’s also started resisting at bedtime saying “no”. Which makes me think maybe he’s just not quiet tired enough??

Could this be a sign of overtired/undertired? Or is this a phase for this age? I don’t want to create a habit of me having to be in the room with him - but I’m not sure what else to do!

I’m pretty sure he’s ready (physically- as he’s 34” tall, and making attempts to climb) for a toddler bed. But I’d like to resolve whatever this is before we tackle that!

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

ETA: He doesn’t do this at naps!