Daycare tips!
Hello! My 16MO is starting his first full week of daycare this week. I am fully expecting things to go off the rails for a while but I’m wondering how to navigate crappy naps. Our ideal schedule is 7:00wake 7:30bed. He’s generally a 11-11.5 overnight type of guy. We have been dealing with some backlash from the 2-1 transition so things have been a bit wonky. It SEEMS he’s capable of a 4.5WW before bed. Anything longer and there’s middle of the night screaming and screaming upon waking in the morning.
He went to daycare for 1 day, Friday, and only napped 30 mins (they couldn’t tell me when his nap ended because their logging system wasn’t working) so I put him to bed at 6pm. He was obviously exhausted, and cried for 10 mins. Slept til 540 and woke content and happy so I left him in his crib until 700. He might have dozed off during that time.
Will I be offering early bedtime for a while, until he adjusts? Or is it better to offer a quick nap upon returning home for the evening?
Basically looking for allllll the advice please.