Walking on ice during the 2-1 nap transition
Hi everyone, I'm on day 6 of the 2-1 nap transition with my 15 month old and looking for help.
His nap so far has been 1.5 hrs daily (been on a 5/5 schedule and basing nap from a 7AM DWT even if he wakes earlier), which is not terrible as a starting point. Yesterday I also experimented with 5.25/5 and no difference.
My issue is that:
- He wakes up crying hysterically every time from his nap. We went cold turkey with the transition...does this mean I dropped the nap too soon, or is this to be expected as part of the transition? I know it's a huge jump in wake times.
- EMWs at around 5:30-6AM, which I believe is common during this transition. He'll be crying a lot (vs. chilling out in the crib, which was never the case for us) but I've been keeping the lights off till 7AM. Sometimes he'll doze on and off; sometimes he's just crying till DWT.
Did I switch too soon? Or do I just need to stick with 5/5 and ride it out for a few weeks till his nap lengthens?
FYI before the transition, he was on 3.25/3.75/3.75-4. Always had to wake him from his morning nap (capped at 1hr) and his afternoon nap would take longer for him to go down (rolling in his crib for 20 mins before he eventually would sleep and I would have to wake him to preserve bedtime).
Thank you!