False starts
Hi all, first post but I’ve been lurking since my LO was born, now a week shy of 4 months old. We are struggling with false starts at bedtime and I’m wondering if anyone has insight.
Schedule: Wake 7:00am
4 naps, following 1.5/1.75/1.75/1.75/2.5
Bedtime 7:30pm
Last wake window she sometimes only makes it 2.25.
Some naps she sleeps 45 min-1 hr, some naps she wakes after 20-30min and I have to rescue the nap. Goal is around 3.5 hrs daytime sleep so I’ll contact nap to reach that if needed. Otherwise she goes down awake in the crib for all naps at home. When she fusses a bit I’ll replace her pacifier, but no other interventions. I cap the last nap to end by 5pm. She wakes once around 3-4am for a feed and then back to sleep.
The false start at night is about 30-45 minutes after she falls asleep. I’ve read she’s treating bedtime as a nap, but not sure how to help this?
Thanks for any insight.