Do many of you use "hybrid" builds?
I hear a lot of AD vs AP
But I've always liked to combine them
Usually Nashor's --> Riftmaker --> Iceborn Gauntlet --> Liandry's ---> Titanic Hydra. Might put Abyssal Mask in somewhere if enemy is highly AP. And Lucidity Boots almost always because I feel like Shyv desperately needs to be able to keep her abilities up especially earlier on. (No resource means cooldowns are the main obstacle)
You COULD use Cosmic Drive or Rylai's in place of Iceborn but I like to have more "room for error" and be slightly less fragile in general
Another idea is Sterak's Gage in place of maybe either Liandry's or Riftmaker. That item is a gigantic spike on Shyv