50 mg cold turkey

I've been on 25/50 mg for a little over a year for sleep, I've gone up and down from 25-50 as needed. I decided last night I wanted to get off of it, I read some concerning things about what it can do to your mental health, that it's bad for people with heart issues, etc. I have high BP (managed fine with meds) and sinus tachycardia (really high resting heart rate that is somewhat controlled with meds). I took magnesium and benadryl to sleep last night and I did ok, no withdrawl symptoms this far and hoping it stays that way. Slept around 5 hours prob would have slept longer but bf getting out of bed woke me up. Not much different from being on seroquel anyways, ive found over time it doesnt help anymore. Just planning on using the benadryl for like 5 nights max while I first get off seroquel. Anybody else cold turkey off 50 mg? Or have any issues taking seroquel with heart problems? What is your experience with and opinion of seroquel in general? Did you ever have any worsening of mental health conditions? Be as detailed as you want For reference I have ptsd/cptsd, anxiety (panic disorder and gad), treatment resistant depression (mdd), adhd. Sleep wasn't too bad for me until my dad passed 3 years ago.