Homelab/Testing in a Parallels VM host.
I'd like to run and test some hosting services in CasaOS, Docker, etc. Really to know how it all works and be able to quickly scrap it if something goes wrong. I'm only doing it with things i already have backed-up. I was trying to do it with some old netbook i had laying around but it is slow with that old AMD C70 cpu. The hassle of storing it and to always run made me think about a software i already use, which is Parallels 18.
I currently have a Silicon Mac and was trying to host a Linux Debian VM to run CasaOs/Docker and do some testing, but i don't seem to find a way for me to enter the web GUI in the host machine. I'm trying to do it in Safari or Chrome on the host machine or through an iphone in the same network. Which setting am i missing? Is there a way to run it without being inside the same VM?